We've prepared a compilation of information that will make you the most knowledgeable person in any conversation about Isla Lobos. Here it is:
Isla Lobos ("Sea Lion Island") got its name because over 150 years ago, it was home to Monk Seals, which were commonly called "Lobos" (sea lions). Can you imagine seeing seals in Veracruz?
Foca Monje
It officially belongs to the Municipality of Tamiahua, even though its closest point to land is opposite the coast of Cabo Rojo. This is because Tamiahua is the nearest town with a harbor master's office to the island.

It's the only CONANP (National Commission of Protected Natural Areas) Protected Natural Area with an underwater archaeological site, designated by INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) in 2019, referring to the Melcho Ocampo vessel that sank in December 1919.
Lee la nota de la CONANP It used to be a PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos) operations center, where crude oil was pumped from the Tiburón Platform to the island, and from there it was sent to the mainland. Currently, we can take you diving to explore parts of the pipelines that once transported crude oil to and from Isla Lobos, as well as the Tiburón Platform.
Plataforma Tiburón, desde la cual se enviaba crudo a Isla Lobos, para posteriormente enviarlo a Tierra. In January 2024, a shrimp boat from Tampico ran aground, which you can still see in front of the island's reef area.
Barco camaronero encallado en Enero 2024 Few boat tours in Mexico travel the distance that Isla Lobos tours cover from Tamiahua. At approximately 24 miles from Tamiahua, the Isla Lobos visit is one of Mexico's longest round-trip maritime tourist excursions.
The channel at Isla Lobos is an artificial waterway created in 1998 for vessel landing in the central zone, designed to avoid impacting the beach area where sea turtles typically nest. Link to the proyect
Dragado del canal de Isla Lobos The island has an endemic species, the Gobio Jarocho (Veracruz Goby), a unique fish species found nowhere else in the world. link with description.
According to various fishermen, authorities who have requested anonymity, and visitors who have had the opportunity to visit Isla Lobos at night, there exists a magical spectacle: the ability to hear birdsong in its full splendor during calm, low-wind nights. This experience is complemented by an incredible view of the celestial vault, thanks to the absence of light pollution and the distance from the nearest population center. We're sharing an audio clip of what you might experience in person if you decide to camp on Isla Lobos, an activity reserved for scientific research, bird watching, or night diving:
The protection and preservation of Isla Lobos primarily comes from visitors, who are responsible for not littering, not removing native flora and fauna elements such as shells or leaves, and helping with maintenance through entrance fee payments, which you must have for your next visit to Isla Lobos. CONANP deeply appreciates the information that service providers share with users to maintain the island's ecological balance.